
Faces are Hard

As promised. Another post with more drawings! As you may have guessed, this post is mostly about faces :D

Also, my dog...who is yawning. Which is a perfect segue into faces! (Turns out it wasn't a good segue, but I'm too lazy right now to think of a better transition, so deal with this awkward jump in topic.) A coworker turned me on to a comic called Lackadaisy Cats, which is a brilliantly drawn and fairly well written comic about cat-people. The real gems for me were a small collection of pages describing the artist's methods for drawing expressions and building characters. In short, a face boiled down to a sphere with a couple of lines at the horizontal and vertical center and some features based on those lines. Easy, right?

Sometimes circles are hard, let alone a sphere. Regardless, the cat-people served as inspiration and got me practicing face drawing. My first exercise was to trace a face and get a feel for how they worked... Where should lines go to define features? How big is a mouth? A nose? Eyes? How the fuck do you draw an ear?


After I traced I drew the "same face" freehand. I bet you can't even tell which one is which. My freehand drawing started off with the eyes and the smile not matching up, resulting in a very creepy looking face. It still kind of is. Regardless, I just need to practice more.

Bald people are easy. I haven't figured out the whole hair thing. Or ears. Mine always end up looking like they are bent out from the head on the top and bottom. I'll have to work on that. There is more in the pipe, and my next post should help explain the title of my blog! There's a sneak peak down below a:)


1 comment:

  1. I remember one time you said that you enjoyed watching me progress in skill with Fox in SSBM. I'm getting the same enjoyment with your drawing skills. At the very least, lots of entertainment. a:D
