
What the f*&^%$ is this thing?

Fiancee convinced me to start a blog. Why, you ask? Because I started to draw again. For those of you who have known me for a while, you are probably confused. I never used to draw, so how can I start to draw again? Let me show you some of my early work:

Obviously, I was a pro.

I always wanted to draw, but I had trouble getting into the pen(cil) and paper thing. Naturally, a couple of years back I bought a really crappy drawing tablet with a pen and sat down to get to work. My results were roughly as good as the bear. I couldn't get the tablet running properly on my computer and Paint isn't exactly the best place to be drawing... After a few weeks I put my tablet away and went along with my life.

Recently, in an effort to fill my free time while Fiancee is busy on her computer, I decided to start drawing again. I bought myself a little sketchbook and borrowed some of Fiancee's pencils (she is far better at this whole "creative arts" thing than I am) and drew a glass. No, I don't have a copy to show you. Since I was enjoying myself I brought out my old tablet and managed to get it working along with a version of Photoshop that came with it (I think?).

That is my dog, Iggy... Or it is supposed to be. I found my tablet and Photoshop (mainly the tablet) to be fairly limiting. My lines ranged from super light/non-existent to dark. That was it. Not ideal for trying to mimic graphite in a digital medium. So I got some new stuff...

and drew this one! A huge improvement, right? I upgraded my tablet to a Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch, and am using Autodesk Sketchbook Pro to do my work now. They are both great products individually, and combined they allow my computer to act like a sketchbook, which I absolutely love.

Obviously, I need to work on my shading and about 3874382764823764823746 other things, but I'm excited to continue working and posting my work for people to see. The idea is to use this as an excuse to improve my drawing (and my writing) over the next z years. And yes, I start sentences with "and" sometimes.

More to come soon.


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